D’Andre Brooks

Artist Statement:

Art as activist is the motto. It is vitally important that I use my artistic voice to express and decontextualize nuances of social strife and convert them into catalysts for social harmony. Art and its creation have traditionally been an introverted endeavor solely created from the mind of the individual artist.   With the creation of social media, information is transferred so rapidly that a solo artist can’t possibly echo the sign of the times alone. Which subsequently makes community evolvement in the creation of public art such a valuable tool. It is paramount as artists, that we give the community that a specific work resides in, the chance to participate in an art “experience” rather than just provide an art “object” to view. Community engagement in art making allows the collective voices of the unheard to finally be heard.


2016, SCAD-Atlanta, Atlanta Georgia
MFA Sculpture

1999, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia
BFA Graphic Design

Permanent Public Artwork:

2020    "Solidarity in Solitude" City of Atlanta Zone 3 Precinct


2019     "Death of a Caterpillar" Art on the Beltline
2018     Fulton County Fine Art Acquisition Show​​​​​​​
2018   “Solidarity” Art on the Beltline
2017     Music and Dance Fulton County Arts and Culture
2016     Elixar, Group Show, Atlanta GA
2015     House of Blended Ink, Group Show, Atlanta GA
2011     Artspace International, Group Show, Atlanta GA
2010     Artspace International, Group Show, Atlanta GA
2009     Artspace International, Joint Show, Atlanta GA

Biographical Information:

D’Andre Brooks was born June 20, 1975 in Atlanta Georgia. He received his BFA from Georgia Southern University and an MA at SCAD-Atlanta. While being raised and currently residing on Atlanta’s westside, he is adamant as an artist to preserve its historical significance, dispel its negative stigmas, and highlight its richness of culture. “I have a vision and life mission to use art as a catalyst to revitalize, increase unity, and foster solidarity within the communities of Atlanta.”
In 2017 D’Andre worked as the Art Conservator for Fulton County Arts and Culture and is currently working out of his studio in Atlanta. His works represents a personal genesis for exploration in cultural identity and social awareness.
D’Andre’s goal and purpose is to bring a greater awareness to the general public the importance and benefits of the Arts as a catalyst for community revitalization and cultural solidarity.

Public Artist/Painter/Sculptor